
Ashley Messner, RYT200

I started to play with a yoga practice during my health and weight loss journey. My initial perception of what yoga is, was completely wrong. I was going through an emotional, stressful moment of my life, that included a set of twins and an 18-month old toddler. I was looking to rediscover who I was outside of my roles of being a mother, a wife, and home-maker. I never would have guessed yoga would take the leading role in helping me find my center and balance.

I received my RYT 200 through Transitions Yoga in Bismarck, ND. I initially signed up to expand my practice and understanding of it. At heart, I am a life-long learner. Holding a MS and MEd, if I could, I would just keep on learning, attending school, and exploring opportunities. I am currently in the process of becoming a Registered Children Yoga Teacher (RCYT) through Mindful Child Aerial Yoga in Kansas. With this, I hope to have a consistent kids yoga program in the BisMan area and with Bismarck Public Schools.

For me, yoga is all about connecting the breath with the movement. And better yet, moving to a good playlist, to help you become present in the moment. Expect to flow, jam, and sweat (just a little bit).